Adding a New Prescriber

A prescriber is authorised to issue prescriptions, for example, doctors, nurses, vets. 

To add a new prescriber:

  1. From either:
    • Dispensary - With a patient selected, enter the clinicians surname (full or partial) and press <Enter>. The Find Prescriber form displays, select Add, or
    • Tools - Inquiry - Prescriber
  2. The Prescriber Details screen displays:

  3. Complete as appropriate:
    • Title
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Type
    • NHS number
    • Telephone
    • Fax
    • Email
    • DILS - Tick to enable.
    • EPS - Tick to enable.
    • Frequently Used - Tick to enable.
  4. Select the Practice tab:

  5. Complete as appropriate:

    • Practice ID
    • Practice
    • Address
    • Postcode - The postcode must be in the correct format e.g. AB12 3CD.
    • Telephone
    • Fax
    • Email
  6. Select OK to save.